Monday, January 17, 2011

Never Helpless

One of the most heart wrenching experiences is to hear, see or know that someone you care about is in pain and you can not help them.
When a Mother hears a child cry, she finds it hard to remain seated or at a distance. We find it hard not to go to the child's aid, even though we may not be able to address the pain. When a baby is teething, they cry and are irritable. The 'Mommy' knows that the baby is teething and that it is a natural process for the good of the child. There is very little mom can do to change the fact that the child is in pain. She can only comfort the baby with medicine, teething rings or some other temporary method.

Then there are the older children who we see in pain and we can do little about. When the child becomes older and acquires a little knowledge it becomes a bit more difficult to ease their pain. Take for instance a teenager (or an adult for that matter); in order to effectively relieve their pain, they have to listen to the advice or direction that you give them. 

Who hears the messages of Allah recited to him then persists in haughtiness, as though he had not heard them. So announce to him a painful chastisement.--Holy Qu'ran 45:8.

That is where we are right now in our lives, in the Black community and sadly, that is where we are in this world. Divine Guidance of the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan has been rejected and we are feeling the pain of it. Only Allah's direct intervention can help us now. Recently, over the New Year's weekend, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave a grim forecast for the future of our community and this world- As he shared this truth, you could hear the pain in his voice and he said it pained him to say it.

Can we help those that we love avoid the pain? How would we help those we love avoid the pain? Do we sit by helpless? 

One of the commentators asked the Hon. Min. Farrakhan, "What can we do?", he responded by saying that we can work with those that will work with us but he did not say we can turn these negative circumstances around.

We are not helpless when we see our people and our loved ones in pain, we can give them the Good News, the Gospel from His Servant who will guide them to Allah. For it is Allah who is the Best of Helpers. 

However, when the Guidance comes, when the truth is recited to us, we cannot continue to close our ears and minds. Doing so could very well be the death of us.

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