Recently a lovely sister shared with me and others that the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan said in a meeting that "Every word is a creature and every creature is a treasure." That phrase is one whose depth absolutely must be plumbed!!!
If every word is a creature (and it is) then when we use the wrong words or add unnecessary words we disrupt/destroy an atmosphere and usually cause damage or create circumstances that are unnecessary.
Needless comments and quip remarks often lead to extended dialog that is truly unnecessary or creates a 'mis-communications'.
In my community there is a general order that states "Talk to no one, only in the line of duty." It is our duty to deliver the greetings of peace to one another when we meet. We are enjoined to deliver greetings of peace greater than that which was given, nothing more.
However in the world, it is customary to engage in conversations that do not add one iyat, cubit or any measure to us. This custom or habit that we have can be so injurious.
In fact, in the Holy Qur'an Zacharias was cautioned to speak to no one for three days after he was told he would be given a pure boy, the like was commanded of Mary upon learning that she would give birth to a glorious child. The commandment to be without communication (to be mindful of communication) just before a tremendous blessing is given. What is the significance of that? What does this mean?
Let's try, just for one day, to say only what is necessary to our children. Let's not say, "You need to get somewhere and sit down," or any other needless remarks we often hear or find ourselves using to communicate with them. Instead let's try, "Sit down," in a calm tone.
The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan says in "Closing the Gap" that "The art of communication is a lost art among human beings." Just imagine if, and when, we use the right words and get the desired outcome how much closer we will be to regaining that lost art, better communication with one another and a more peaceful, cohesive existence with one another.
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