Saturday, April 10, 2010

Khadijah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Women make more money than men today. We are the ones in school earning the degrees, the money and the influence. And many of us are alone, without husbands or simply dating men that are not worthy of our time. For all practical purposes (and by design) the woman in the Black community is the 'bread winner' and 'man of the house.'
Believe it or not Allah (God) has an answer to this. Allah gives us the lives of Khadijah and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Khadijah was a powerful, wealthy, beautiful business woman (as are so many Black women today) and it is told that she hired Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to work for her. She was a widow who had no intentions or desire to marry again after the loss of two husbands. However, it was the integrity, the honor and the compassion that this 40-year-old woman saw in the 25-year-old man that drew her to him.
It is also said that Khadijah introduced the idea of marriage to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) because men at that time if they did not have the means for marriage they were discouraged from taking a wife. It is said further--she had the means, she had the seniority--so she inquired.
During their union, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never took on another wife and upon her passing it is said he mourned openly for her.
What a beautiful story, what a beautiful love story full of hope for women in today's world.
Is that not the circumstance that the Black woman today finds herself in? Having the means, but no man? Not really looking for a mate but good men don't go un-noticed? Having the means and hiring men?Accepting men that have little or no means into their lives?
BUT HERE IS THE CRITICAL DIFFERENCE--Khadijah had the intelligence, foresight and spiritual development to choose a man for his faith and integrity--today we do not.
The men women often select is not for integrity or faith, but it is for lust or income. It is more often to fill some shallow need. Why? I would like to suggest it is because of two major reasons, ignorance and lack of faith.
This world as it is today is not about to turn back the clock to where men 'bought home the bacon (lamb),' so it is incumbent upon women to be more intelligent about their life choices especially when it comes to men.
These decisions have a hand in the unstable homes throughout our community. In addition to that, these poor decisions and carelessness with our 'love lives' is not limited to ourselves. It effects our children and ultimately our community. The pain that exists related to these decisions has to end and it begins with you.

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